Art Brut
Therefore, if the public does not exist, what reading grid(s) does the spectator need? Each artist can tell his Storytelling, create his universe of representations that echo his social environment, the keywords and figures that increase his visibility in a legitimate art construction process. Each artist can try to define a posteriori a meaning for his actions or a priori a goal for his approach. This story that he tells himself and that he tells others never fully reflects the singular combination of the moment of artistic production and the awareness of an ephemeral world that accompanies it: if the object remains, the practice passes. .
Some artistic thoughts
Art is inextricably a way of being in the world and of apprehending the world. This is why the artistic approach is at the crossroads of the material realization of plastic works and the trajectory of the artist. This encounter between a singular experience and the materiality of a temporal expression, dated, situated but just as timeless in its singularity is undoubtedly what best characterizes the work of art.

This is how self-knowledge is revealed in artistic practice and how this knowledge feeds back into practice. In this sense, the materiality of artistic production represents a condition of self-knowledge through the action on the physical world that it allows. Without this transformation of the physical universe, self-awareness itself becomes dependent on the Other, who acts as a mirror reflecting the elements of its social identity. It is through action in the physical world that everyone becomes aware of their existence, inseparably physical and mental. But this power to act on things can take extremely varied forms, from destruction to construction, from eviction to creation, from the most banal and repetitive gestures to gestures made once, even « once and for all ». « . « . Artistic production then constitutes an infinite quest for individual awareness of the world through the prism of the ability to act on the physical world, to produce indefinitely different, unique, random versions of it.
However, each work of art represents a specific combination between physical space, materials, a specific temporality (resulting as much from the infinite duration of the feeling of creation of the artist as from the chance of the situation) and of the consciousness in action, itself produces a trajectory. This combination, understood as so many arrangements of elements that interact with each other, is sufficient in itself. And it is in this that it sends a message to the world: if each work of art is the product of this individual intimacy which is marked in the physical universe, a sort of material expression of a specific consciousness, a unique arrangement of neuronal connections, it is likely to resonate only in the intimacy of the spectator. The audience does not exist. It is a social construct. Only the intimate experience of work allows a form of universality in artistic production, precisely through this consciousness which is expressed in artistic production or the reception of this artistic production.
This is how self-knowledge is revealed in artistic practice and how this knowledge feeds back into practice. In this sense, the materiality of artistic production represents a condition of self-knowledge through the action on the physical world that it allows. Without this transformation of the physical universe, self-awareness itself becomes dependent on the Other, who acts as a mirror reflecting the elements of its social identity. It is through action in the physical world that everyone becomes aware of their existence, inseparably physical and mental. But this power to act on things can take extremely varied forms, from destruction to construction, from eviction to creation, from the most banal and repetitive gestures to gestures made once, even « once and for all ». « . « . Artistic production then constitutes an infinite quest for individual awareness of the world through the prism of the ability to act on the physical world, to produce indefinitely different, unique, random versions of it.