My artistic approach

The artist works on the ambivalence of life. His inspiration comes from the observation of Nature and his sociologist’s view of life in society. He artistically engages in a dialogue with the theory of chaos: creation and destruction are intrinsically linked to each other. The works then mix extreme contrasts that work light and dark. Gold leaves and bright colours, a ray of warmth, source of life, joy, plenitude, contrasts with a palette of dark colours, depths of the sea, of the night, of the forest but also of the soul and subconscious.
This ambivalence of life, always renewed, is expressed in various abstract themes: whether portraits, landscapes or compositions, life seeks its way, feeling its way. The works crystallize suspended moments of this endlessly restarted process of creative destruction and destructive creation. For their realization, the artist engages in a permanent search for new combinations of techniques and materials to create « freeze frames » thanks to volumes, colour schemes, movements.